November 14, 2021
Specialty Care

Dermatology is a branch of medicine specializing in medical or surgical care of the skin, hair and nails, while Cosmetic treatments comprise surgical or non-surgical applications to preserve or enhance physical appearance. Venerealogy is a branch of medicine that deals with sexually transmitted diseases diagnosis of venereal diseases involves examination of changes in skin or mucous membranes.

Skin is the largest organ, and a primary defense for the human body against harmful substances in the environment. Skin diseases and conditions are naturally all too common. Our dermatologists can help you and your loved ones deal with skin conditions such as rashes, dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and even cancer, as well as hair and nail disorders. Likewise, our venerealogists can help diagnose and treat conditions due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Our services include consultations, general examination, diagnoses and specialty as well as cosmetic treatments and care, such as:

  1. Laser hair and wrinkle removal
  2. Electrocautery to remove abnormal tissue growth such as warts
  3. Diagnostic Biopsies to detect cancerous or pre-cancerous growths
  4. Dermatitis investigation and treatment
  5. Intralesional Injections (such as steroids, botox) to improve appearance

Our services also include specific Cosmetic treatments, for face, whole body and hair:

  1. Laser hair and wrinkle removal
  2. Electrocautery to remove abnormal tissue growth such as warts
  3. Diagnostic Biopsies to detect cancerous or pre-cancerous growths
  4. Dermatitis investigation and treatment
  5. Intralesional Injections (such as steroids, botox) to improve appearance

Our services also include specific Cosmetic treatments, for face, whole body and hair:

  1. Laser skin resurfacing, for skin health improvement (face)
  2. Dermabrasion and Micro-dermabrasion, for skin tone improvement (face)
  3. Dermal Filler Injections, to add volume to counter aging skin (face)
  4. Radiofrequency (RF) Therapy for non-surgical skin tightening (face)
  5. Microneedling Therapy to rejuvenate skin and treat scars, wrinkles, etc (face)
  6. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) or Photofacial Therapy for non-surgical skin improvement (face)
  7. Sclerotherapy for treatment of varicose and spider veins (whole body)
  8. Mohs Surgery for treatment of skin cancer (whole body)
  9. Rosasea treatment (whole body)
  10.  Rashes, warts, hives, itchy skin treatment (whole body)
  11.  Vitiligo treatment (whole body)
  12.  Patch testing (whole body) to identify allergens
  13.  Hair restoration and transplant
  14.  Corticosteroid Injections for hair loss treatment
  15.  Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for hair loss treatment
  16.  Thermadome Therapy for hair regrowth
  17.  Vitamin B-Complex Therapy for hair loss treatment
  18.  Hair restoration and transplant
  19.  Corticosteroid Injections for hair loss treatment
  20.  Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for hair loss treatment
  21.  Thermadome Therapy for hair regrowth
  22.  Vitamin B-Complex Therapy for hair loss treatment

Opening Hours: Sun-Sat, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM.